Our website contains a wide range of high-quality humic and fulvic acid products, specifically developed to support your health and well-being. We offer products for people, animals and plants, because we believe in the holistic power of nature.

Humic and fulvic acid are organic substances that occur naturally in healthy soil. They are known for their unique properties that can support the body in various ways.
Discover the many benefits of humic and fulvic acid and experience the effect it has!

Our website contains products for humans, animals and plants.
But whichever product you choose: it brings back balance to people and nature!

Human winter 2025

To support immune systems and intestines!

Additional care and restorative care for (pet) animals.

Tegel animal

Additional care and restorative care for (pet) animals.

Tegel animal
Plants winter 2025

Improve your (kitchen) garden with fulvic acid and humic acid!