Frequently Asked Questions

On our website you will find a lot of information about humus, humic acid and fulvic acid. 
We have tried to make this information as clear as possible, but you may still have questions.

Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about humus (acid) and fulvic acid.

What is the best way to store my bottle of fulvic acid?

Whether it is a bottle of Pure&Fulvic, Ful-Power or PrimeFulvic, it is best to keep a bottle of fulvic acid in a cool, dry, dark place. Our fulvic acid products are natural products. Algae may form if it is stored in a light or warm place. This is not harmful and the quality of the product is not affected. In fact, it is an indication of the high biological activity of the product.

What does fulvic acid taste like?

The taste is a good way to determine the purity of fulvic acid. 
Fulvic acid is supposed to be tasteless according to science.

Why don't I get fulvic acid from the vegetables and fruits that I eat?

We ingest fulvic acid through vegetables, but sparingly. In a perfect world we would all consume fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients. It should not be necessary to supplement our diet with fulvic acid. However, through the use of fertilizers and pesticides, but also due to the intense use of agricultural land, humus is gradually being withdrawn from the soil. Because of this we ingest less fulvic acid in a natural way.

How much fulvic acid can I take per day?

We advise you to listen carefully to your body and to decide on that basis which dosage suits you best. This may be the prescribed dosage on the bottle, but if you find yourself reacting strongly to this, you can lower the dosage and then gradually build up, or you may find that as little as 10 ml is enough for you.

Does fulvic acid also taste sour?

No, fulvic acid should not be acidic or taste sour. Our fulvic acid is free and unbound, and therefore tasteless.

Why is Pure&Fulvic different from other fulvic acid products?

Pure&Fulvic (fulvic acid) is produced slowly through a fermentation process and not through unnatural procedures such as heating or the use of strong chemicals. It is pure and not contaminated with chemicals or minerals. This makes Pure&Fulvic the only natural product on the market that is just fulvic acid – no additives, no residues. A pure fulvic acid (Pure&Fulvic) is odorless and tasteless and has a golden yellow color.

What is the difference between fulvic acid products for human consumption, animals or plants?

The fermentation and filtering process for the fulvic acid product for human consumption (Pure&Fulvic) takes longer, making the fulvic acid milder. The percentage of fulvic acid (6%) however, is the same in products for humans, animals as well as plants.

Why is fulvic acid called fulvic acid?

To answer this question, we have to go all the way back to the 1950s. In the beginning of this decade, American researchers used chemicals and acids to extract fulvine from old humic deposits. The process resulted in an unpleasant aftertaste, broke down most of the fulvic acid and made the product very acidic. This is why fulvic acid is often called fulvic acid. Fortunately we extract it differently these days.

What is the difference between fulvic acid and humus (humic acid)?

Humus (humic acid) is the binder and fulvic acid is the transporter.

How does humus (humic acid) form?

Humus (humic acid) is the top layer of the soil and is very fertile. It looks like compost, but is degraded further than compost. Humus (humic acid) consists of degraded plant materials. As vegetable material degrades into compost, humus substances are formed. There are three elements that are extracted from these substances: 

  • Humic acid;
  • Fulvic acid;
  • Humin.

humic substance-like compost takes at least 6-12 months to form, but in nature the formation of a humic acid layer takes much longer. A humic acid layer can be as old as 40 million years. A rule of thumb about quality is: the older, the better, and the layer has formed a few meters below ground.

Read more about humus substances here.

What are other names for humus substances?

The terms humus, humic acid, fulvic acid and humin are used on this site to refer to all humus substances. Other names are:

  • Humates
  • Leonardite
  • Humalite
  • Shilajit
  • Concentrated humus
  • Humic acid
  • Fulvic acid

How is fulvic acid produced?

The production process differs greatly per supplier. As a result, the quality of the products also varies per supplier. Below the production process of fulvic acid is described as it is manufactured by BioAg, supplier for Humic Solution.

  1. Raw material arrives at the facility, in large closed bags.
  2. The bags are emptied in fermentation vessels (the same as used in the wine industry).
  3. Rainwater, enzymes and microbes are added. 
    – The enzymes ensure the separation of fulvic acid from the humus, a process called fermentation. 
    – The microbes prevent bacteria like e-coli from infiltrating the barrels.
  4. The fermentation process takes a number of months.
  5. Tests are performed during the process to check whether the product has reached the correct acidity, density, color and consistency.
  6. After the fermentation process is complete, all vessels are emptied into a large tank.
  7. The tank is then used to fill 275 liters of barrels through a patented filter system that prevents any risk of contamination, and removes any existing microbes.
  8. Each load receives a lot number, so that all products can be checked.
  9. Once the large tank is emptied, the process starts again.

Haven’t found the answer to your question?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’re happy to assist!