What are humic substances?

Because humic acid is a collection of different organic substances, the collective name humic substances is also used. Humus is a natural substance and appears in both the soil (mud/peat, brown coal, sediments) and in the water.

Humic substances can be divided into three different components based on their solubility;

  • Humic acid: the component of humus that is not soluble in water, with a very low pH value, that becomes soluble as the pH rises. Through a unique process we have managed to make the humic acid soluble.
  • Fulvic acid: the humus component that is soluble at any pH value.
  • Humin: the component of humus that is insoluble in water at any pH value.

The precise structure and properties of humus substances are highly dependent on the source from which they are isolated and the methods of extraction.

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International Humic Substances Society

Not all humic and fulvic acid products in the market are created equal, leading to potential confusion. Determining the actual content of humic and fulvic acid in a product can be challenging. The percentages of fulvic acid, in particular, can vary significantly among different products.

Historically, various methods were employed to assess humic products, contributing to the confusion. To address this, it is crucial to adopt a clear standard for laboratory testing.

The International Humic Substances Society serves as a guarantee that claims regarding humic and fulvic acid content have been rigorously verified using scientifically standardized procedures.

Transparency is our priority!
To alleviate any uncertainties, our products undergo testing and certification through the IHSS testing method.
At Humic Solution (a part of BioAg Europe), we take pride in adhering to these high standards.