Compost is an accumulation of various micro-organisms that are almost broken down into humic acid. Compost is used for the vegetable garden and improves the soil structure. Composting is basically the recycling of organic material that you would otherwise throw in the trash.
However, not every type of organic material is suitable for adding to the compost pile.
There are many different opinions about what type of waste is suitable for a compost heap and what isn’t. The most important thing to keep in mind is the balance between the different materials. A good balance (ratio) between carbon and nitrogen – between brown and green material – is essential for the functioning of your compost pile.
Below is a brief (global) overview of what is and is not allowed:
This is allowed:
Avoid this:
CytoPlus is a complete product: the humic acid and fulvic acid, in combination with seven micronutrients plus seaweed, have a positive influence on the quality of your compost and ensure that the decomposition process is accelerated by increasing the microbial activity. You can easily sprinkle the cytoplus over your compost.
Are you interested in starting your own compost pile?